Important Dates

Submission Deadline: June 25, 2024   Extended to July 5, 2024
Notification of Acceptance: July 8, 2024
Registration Due: July 10, 2024
Conference Date: July 20-22, 2024




2024.7.25  Good News:

ITEA 2024 has been held successfully in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from July 20-21, 2024.



Group photo-online

Group photo-in person

2024.7.10  Good News:

Welcome Dr. Xiaomei Yan from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China to deliver an Invited Speech.

2024.7.9  Good News:

Welcome Prof. Dongsheng Zhang from South China Normal University, China to deliver a Keynote Speech.

2024.7.5  Good News:

Welcome Assoc. Prof. Guoqing Zhao from Beijing Normal University, China to deliver a Keynote Speech.

2024.7.5  Good News:

Welcome Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Aslina Baharum from Sunway University, Malaysia to deliver an Invited Speech.

2024.6.30  Good News:

Welcome Dr. Rafidah Binti Abd Karim from Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia to deliver an Invited Speech.

2024.6.27  Good News:

Welcome Dr. Wen Huey Kan from Wawasan Open University, Malaysia to deliver an Invited Speech.

2024.4.10  Good News:

Welcome Dr. MichaƂ Paluch from Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University joining ITEA 2024 to deliver an Invited Speech.

2024.4.9  Good News:

Welcome Prof. Nee Nee Chan from UCSI University joining ITEA 2024 to deliver an Invited Speech.

2024.3.26  Good News:

Welcome Dr. Ali Sorayyaei Azar from Management and Science University (MSU) joining ITEA 2024 to deliver an Invited Speech.

2024.3.25  Good News:

Welcome Dr. Zuheir N Khlaif from An-Najah National University joining ITEA 2024 to deliver an Invited Speech.

2024.3.21  Good News:

Welcome Assoc. Prof. Hassan Abuhassna from Sunway University, Malaysia joining ITEA 2024 to deliver an Invited Speech.

2024.3.20  Good News:

Welcome Prof. Rustam Shadiev from Zhejiang University joining ITEA 2024 to deliver an Invited Speech.

2024.2.29  Good News:

Welcome Prof. Agnes Kukulska-Hulme from The Open University joining ITEA 2024 to deliver a Keynote Speech.

2024.2.27  Good News:

Welcome Dr. Lung Hsiang Wong from Nanyang Technological University joining ITEA 2024 to deliver a Keynote Speech.

2024.2.22  Good News:

Welcome Prof. Anand Nayyar from Duy Tan University joining ITEA 2024 to deliver a Keynote Speech.

2024.1.30  Good News:

Welcome Prof. Xinguo Yu from Central China Normal University joining ITEA 2024 to deliver a Keynote Speech.

2024.1.26  Good News:

Welcome Prof. Yi-Shun Wang from National Changhua University of Education joining ITEA 2024 to deliver a Keynote Speech.

2024.1.14  Good News:

Welcome Dr. Feifei Han from Australian Catholic University joining ITEA 2024 to deliver a Keynote Speech.

Good News:

We are delighted to announce that the 1st International Conference on Intelligent Technology for Educational Applications (ITEA 2024) will take place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on July 20-21, 2024.